
Should you do a January Whole30?

Disclaimer: The photo above is two year apart (2014 & 2016), but our first (and Steven’s only) Whole30 jumpstarted our health journey.

I think we’re all asking ourselves: Should I do a January Whole30? I have continued to eat paleo for most of the year (more weeks than others, it depends a lot on my Crohn’s and how my stomachs feeling) but I haven’t done a full Whole30 since September 2017…when Harvey hit and I had to stop a few days early. I think, since my Crohn’s is under control with Remicade, it’s time to do another Whole30 and get back to the basics.

If you’re asking “What’s Whole30?” head on over In short, Whole30 is 30-days that encourages eating whole foods and the eliminating of sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, soy and dairy. 

We each have our own reasons as to why we’re doing a whole30. It impacts everyone, mentally and physically, differently, but overall, those who have completed a Whole30 have positive results. I’m sharing some reasons as to why I’m doing a January Whole30 and why you should consider doing a Whole30.

End the fog

I don’t know about y’all, but when I’m eating a normal American diet…I feel like I’m in a constant fog. Some days are worse than others, but I sometimes feel so dazed going through my day. Before my first Whole30, I thought this was normal. I thought this is how I would always feel (and I blamed it on my transplant drugs). During my first Whole30, I learned that I could escape the fog. Who knew?! I could be productive all day long and not feel like I needed a nap (or a coffee) at 3 pm. I still have my fog free days, but they’re few and far between. I’m looking forward to getting back to the clarity Whole30 provides. 

Slay the sugar dragon

This is huge for me. I don’t often have TONS of sugar in my diet, but between October and December, the chocolate chip cookies (and Trader Joe’s Jingle Jangle) sneak into my diet a bit more often. Also, sugar really takes a toll on my Crohn’s and is easily my most noticable trigger. I’m still working on controlling it, but it’s nice to do Whole30 to get the dragon tamed again.

Hit the hay, hard

This is my number one reason for doing a January Whole30. I don’t sleep very well, I never have. But when I do a Whole30, I sleep FANTASTICALLY. I don’t have to take melatonin or Benadryl  to help me sleep or stay asleep. It’s literally the best feeling in the world.

Try new foods and learn new things

Whole30 introduced me to coconut oil, avocado oil, spaghetti squash, coconut aminos, salmon (I know, I know) and so much more! It really is so much fun trying new foods and learning how to cook them. Honestly, before our first Whole30 in 2015, I really didn’t cook. Steven cooked a lot, but I would buy these little one person meals from HEB. All you had to do was heat it up. I lived off those. Finally, I slowly learned to cook and am still learning a lot. I’ve also learned a ton from Ronny Joseph/Primal Gourmet on instagram. His cooking stories are amazing!

It’s always a fun challenge

Anyone else get a thrill out of a challenge? I find it fun to challenge myself for a month. I also have fun finding new recipes, going to the Farmer’s Market and making new recipe. It’s also a great test of will power.

So, do you plan to do a January Whole30? Why or why not? I’d love to hear your reasons for giving it a try or not!

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